Review of iPads for Education

Many schools are starting to use iPads in the classrooms. Danielle Kowalewicz investigated this technology and gave her opinion on it. Check out her blog to form your own opinion!


The use of technology is increasing at a fast rate and Apple is the most popular brand on the market. Schools should go with their products so students can stay current and use technology they already know how to use and are excited about. There are many benefits to using the iPad in schools and some of them are:

  • creativity
  • student engagement and participation
  • virtual field trips
  • presentations
  • special education and students with disabilities

And of course as with anything it has some drawbacks:

  • difficulty keeping students on task
  • single-user
  • security
  • updating
  • poor networks in schools

Of course iPads are also expensive and so are the accessories that go with them. This means that most school will not be able to afford to get them for every student.

I feel that purchasing at least one class set of iPads is beneficial for the students. This allows them to use the apps and get the benefits of the virtual field trips and interactive apps and it limits how off tasks the students get since they won’t have an iPad at all times. The iPads are considered assistive technology and students with disabilities should be able to get grants to have their own iPads.

(Photo Credit:×512/iPad%202%20White.png )